Wednesday, November 23, 2011

God has a Sense of Humor...I Hope

My family and I religious people. We go to church every Sunday and try to do right by others. This includes teaching our kids to love God; live an honorable life; and to pray daily.

Kenneth, the four-year-old, is learning the habit, even if he doesn't quite understand the principle. Thus ensues the hilarity. In the past few months he has prayed for: a big giant table, snow in Bakersfield, a giant-chocolate-Kenneth-filled-with-marshmallow, and a baby sister-another baby sister-and a baby brother.

Now Heather and I would love to have another child but at 43 and 41 respectively the clock is ticking loudly. I doubt if we have three more in us. Unless ofcourse the Lord decides to give us triplets (Oh please no!!!).

While this is all mildly amusing, the reason I hope God has a sense of humor is that Kenneth has been asked to give a prayer during the children's Sunday School program next week.

In my mind's eye there appears a prim and serious Kiff, ready to do his best at addressing God for and in behalf of the assembled kids. He rises to the podium, folds his arms and bows his little head. After opening with heartfelt appreciation for giving us a good day he launches into all the various things he would like. He includes the Holy Ghost that all present will be able to learn of the Gospel; he invokes a blessing upon the teachers to do well; and then beseeches the Omnipotent One to help mommy and Daddy stop talking long enough to make him a baby sister and another baby sister and a baby brother. The invocation closes in the Divine name...amen. The resultant silence will ride atop the low rumble of laughter bouncing from one adult to another.

I foresee this awkward moment and THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT!

I hope God has a sense of humor.


  1. Ha ha ha ha hahahahahahahahahahahhaha! My stomach hurts. :)

  2. Lol, heck he could always bless the food while he is at it.

  3. He does have a sense of humor..... you may want to prepare for those triplets.
