Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ramblin' 1

So I woke up this morning with dreams of half-priced halloween candy at Wal-Mart dancing in my head. After a night of pizza and candy I had just a mite of trouble fitting my 44" waist into 40" jeans but applying liberal amounts of axel grease and breathing in they fit like a sausage casing. Out the door and down the road to the land of Low Priced Goodness. Oh how I longed for those KitKats, Mounds bars and ever elusive bat-shaped Hersey's peanutbutter cups. I walked into the store and found that Halloween still lingered in the dark recesses of Sam Walton's empire. Horror upon horrors, not only was the candy NOT half-priced but had gone up! Bags printed at $3.49 were now tagged at $3.99!!! What demonic soul had decided to dash the hopes of such a poor innocent chocophile as myself? Was there no mercy? Was there no compassion? Feeling like a child given a toothbrush in his trick-or-treat bag, I shuffled my way out the door, vowing to never step foot inside that House of Horrors again. Even now I feel the deep pangs of lost hope, dashed dreams and despair.

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