The Rejected Corner-Stone
A Private Memorandum
To: His Holiness, Pope John Paul II
From: Cardinal Stanislaus Kostka
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Re: Disciplinary Hearing in the Matter of Fr. Giuseppe Alfredo DePraeco
Held Sept. 20, 1983
Under Regimini Ecclesiae Universale (1967)
Presiding: Prefect Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger
Your Holiness,
Per your request, here is my private report on these proceedings, separate and unconnected to the official record. I have endeavored to fulfill your wishes to the best of my ability and the bounds of the Regolamento Generale.
Section I is a synopsis of my findings. Section II is comprised of a full transcript as recorded on electronic tape. Section III is my impressions concerning the mental and emotional state of all parties.
Section I
In brief, Fr. DePraeco is fully dedicated to the Church and Your Holiness. He does not reject the Holy Communion nor does he question the efficacy of the Holy Sacraments. However, he is equally committed to the contrafidem doctrines which have been promulgated by himself and the parties who follow him.
DePraeco bases his conclusions upon associations between the Holy Scripture, the writings of the Early Doctors and heavily on modern theoretical science. He argues for indulgence as della famiglia; that he only speaks ancient truth; and that he has not violated his Oath of Fidelity.
In my opinion, supported by Signora Hendrickx, while these ideas are not embraced by the Church and associated concepts have been the basis for declarations of heresy in the past (Malleus Maleficarum) and I bear no sympathetic feelings for rebellion of any kind, the possibility of these ideas spreading is very high. DePraeco’s work seems to answer a number of questions reaching back to the very inception of the Church and Our Lord’s miracles. The appeal of his research overstretches all previous barriers: educated and ignorant, Catholic and Heretic. Even the Muslim and Buddhist could accept this framework. Not to mention the Mormons who will believe practically anything so long as it is new and odd.
Thinking in centuries, I do not believe the Holy Church is likely to suffer harm in the doctrinal, social or political realms so long as we take a middle road as pertaining to these ideas. Your Holiness is not bound to accept DePraeco’s positions, nor are you compelled to denounce them. The application of science upon elements of Faith has always been difficult for the Holy See. I believe we are faced with another DiVinci. His concepts center on the unknown Mysteries. No Pontiff has ever released a declaration upon this way of considering existence. If carefully worded, DePraeco’s work is not inconsistent with scripture or tradition.
Prefect Cardinal Ratzinger is zealous to protect the Church from any hint of scandal, as am I. However, it is at this point we part company. He sees DePraeco as regurgitating old gnostic lies about animism into new packaging for a scientific world; leading millions away from the truth Faith. The Cardinal wishes to publicly rebuke DePraeco, defrock and expel him from the Priesthood as a very powerful statement that the Church will not tolerate heresy. “quoniam punitio non refertur primo & per se in correctionem & bonum eius qui punitur, sed in bonum publicum ut alij terreantur, & a malis committendis avocentur.”[1] This does open the possibility of DePraeco motioning to the Apostolica Signatura. The negative publicity generated by that event would severely harm the bella figura of the Church.
Consider however, that we may have an opportunity to lay the groundwork for future growth, especially among the educated and scientific populace which have been drifting from the Church in such large numbers. If we refrain from opposing science in all but the most egregious circumstances, we can work towards healing that particular split.
I recommend that Your Holiness allow DePraeco the chance to re-think his conclusions and become more "mature". Quietly move him to a smaller and isolated monastery, provide him with the means to pursue his work with strict orders that he not publish or disseminate anymore until his studies are complete. Then he will be charged to report directly to Your Holiness all of his findings. This will remove the immediate issue while preventing another public relations disaster.
Sincerely and in all Humility
Cardinal Stanislaus Kostka
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
[1] Translation from the Latin: "... for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit."
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