Wednesday, October 5, 2011

35 and Counting...

35 and Counting . . .

Take just a tiny second,
When first our eyes did meet,
We let it fill all creation,
As two lives made one complete.

Recall that perfect minute,
When first spoke, "I love you",
And joy welled-up in hearts,
As echoed, "I love you too".

Cling to our glorious day,
When first kissed as Man and Wife,
Such promise the future held,
As we set upon our life.

Pass the fleeting years,
When they never seem enough,
I cherish each and all,
As good times and the tough.

Look on unto forever,
When our love each day begins,
Right now is the second I met you,
As I'd marry you once again.

Brian K. Eddy
July 8, 2001

For Arthur and his wife on their 35th ann.

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