Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Man Who Built His House Upon a Rock CH 19 pt 1

Ch. 19
Rolling Stones

            The dark roiling clouds of winter began to give way to spring’s rebirth. A pale blue sky streaked with thin light shone everywhere. People shed their heavy coats for sweaters and windbreakers. They even stopped in the halls for conversation again, rather than retreating into sheltered corners. None of this meant anything to Simon who no longer saw any point in going on.
            Depression has a way of destroying one’s perspective. Simon keenly felt how alone he was. Jody had left school two weeks earlier without explaining why. Confused and still grieving over Virginia’s sudden decision to leave him; with no best friend to cheer him up; Simon just sat in his empty dorm room and imagined the wonderful future that was now gone forever. He went to see her in the hospital as often as possible but the doctors had no good news for him. They could find nothing wrong so there was no diagnosis, no treatment and no prognosis. No hope.
            Absentmindedly, he walked over to a small cabinet attached to the wall which served as his wardrobe, pulled the door open slowly and gazed into a jet black abyss. Almost as if in a dream he reached into the very back corner of the shelf and rummaged around for a small bundle he had hidden there a month before.
            Simon didn’t notice either the barely audible squeek of the window, or the low hiss which grew louder as the seconds passed. He was so wrapped-up in his own thoughts that the odd smell and sudden drowsiness barely entered his mind.
            “Maybe it’s a gas leak,” he thought dully. “I could just go to sleep. It would be so easy…to never…wake…up…agai…”
            Odd images filled his dreams. A huge hand lifted him into the air far over the school grounds. He soared, weightless and free of all care. Suddenly, snake-like, his clothes and skin peeled away leaving him fresh and new. The night felt piercingly cold on his body but invigorating. For the first time in a month Simon laughed. He thought of Jody and laughed. He thought of school and laughed. Voices rose in laughter all around, deep booming guffaws; high piercing shrieks and the care-free giggles of young people throwing caution to the wind. It embraced him like a warm and inviting hug.
            “Hello Sleeping Beauty”.
            “Wah?” muttered Simon. He tried to open his eyes but they felt like lead. His arms moved sluggishly as if he had been drugged.
            “I said, ‘Hello Sleeping Beauty’”. Someone had spoken to him in a slow Gulf Coast drawl. “It’s time for you to have a little fun.”
            A large hand pushed down hard on Simon’s head and before he could understand what was happening he had a mouthful of very hot chlorinated water.
            Coughing and spluttering, Simon clawed his way back to the surface and onto his feet, looking around wildly. He was in a hot tub, a Jacuzzi to be specific. The water was dancing over intense green lights and sloshed over the sides with Simon’s convulsive movements. Lit from below, Simon appeared far larger than his normal stature. He towered over the four other bathers who lounged quite at their ease while he glowered at them.
How he got there however was not the first question on his mind. It was actually the fifth most pressing thought. Of more immediacy he wanted to know when Jody had returned; why they were in the middle of the quad; who the three beautiful bikini-clad girls giggling at him were; and why he, Simon, was completely naked.
“I hear you’ve been moping around for a while.”
“Ginni’s gone.” he replied dully, as if that was the answer to any and every question. “Her parents moved her to Heritage Hall in Roanoke last week. They give long-term care.”
“I know”, Jody answered solemnly, “She’s a good person, a really good person. That’s why she wouldn’t want you to give up your life. She may not be around right now but she would want you to live; to have joy and fun.” Jody’s arms spread wide and swept over the scene. One of the girls laughed again and scooted over next to the beaming Cajun.
Jody could tell that Simon was not fully convinced. He needed to do some more for his friend. “They can do great things now a-days. She’ll be back soon. Now, either get back in the water or sell tickets because you’re starting to draw a crowd.”
Simon looked around at the dozen or so students watching him with exceptional interest, blushed and quickly sat down, sloshing even more of the scalding water over the side.
“He’s right,” Simon thought to himself. “Ginni is going to be fine once she wakes up. She’s got some of the best doctors watching over her.” A bitter reality washed over his mind. “And she did break-up with me. Her parents don’t know she still cares.”
He nodded slowly, steeled his mind for the next step and looked at Jody.
“How did you get this here? How did you get me here?”
“Well, y’all were the easy part. LaTeesha here,” he wrapped his arm around a particularly statuesque black girl by his side, “is doing veterinary sciences. She got me some knock-out gas and we just fed it through the window. Didn’t take but two or three minutes and you were snoring like my ol’ blue tick hound. As for the spa, it turns out that most of the football team thinks they’ll get better grades if the cheerleaders tutor them before finals. I made the introductions and then asked a little favor in return. Those guys tossed this thing around like nothing.”
“Figures” Simon moaned. Despite the honor and glory he was sure to receive for being part of Jody’s latest triumph, Simon still wasn’t quite sure he was ready to move on.
“I got another surprise for you tomorrow night.”
Jody and the girls scrambled over the side. With a wink he added over his shoulder, “But I think you might need to be a little more formal for that one. Slacks and a tie would be nice. You’re always so underdressed.”
The foursome walked off into the darkness.
“Hey!” he called after them. “HEY! Where are the towels?”
Sure enough, as Simon left his last class of the day, Jody skittered around a corner and rushed to meet him.
“Dude! We’re meeting everyone down at the College Inn at 6:30. There’s this magician you’ve got to see. He can control people just with his mind.”
“A hypnotist?” asked Simon incredulously.
“No, not a hypnotist. This guy doesn’t put you to sleep. He just stares at you and you do all kinds of weird stuff.”
“I don’t know Jody. I have two papers to write and a lab to finish for Professor Grosskopf.”
“Oh gimme a break! You have two weeks to do those papers and that lab is playing with the laser. Sometimes I think you’d rather be zapping things than having any fun.”
Jody eyed him warily, “You’re not turning into a…a student are you?” The offensive word fairly dripped poison as it left Jody’s lips. “I may just have to find a new roommate then. One who’s a bit more interesting? Maybe Cheryl wants to get out of the Sigma Pi house.”
“Okay, OKAY!” Simon yelled, laughing at the same time. “I’ll come see your stupid conjurer. But he’d better be amazing and I’m coming home if you don’t show me a good time.”
In an absurdly high falsetto Jody simpered back, “Oh Baby, I’ll always show you a good time.”
They headed back to the dorm and dressed for a night on the town. It had become fashionable around the school for guys to wear semi-formal attire. An influential feminist speaker had come through months earlier and told all the coeds that men had to earn their respect. This went further than mere equality as most every girl on campus began to expect courteous manners, honorable intentions and consideration. The gender war was going full tilt and machismo was on the defensive.
Simon adjusted his school tie and checked the crease on his slacks. A glance at the mirror told him that he had never looked so good. He gave himself a roguish grin and turned to Jody.
“What d’ya think? Can I be your wingman?”
“I dunno”, Jody muttered, “Think you can handle the pressure? There’s probably going to be thirty girls there and I can only handle…”
“’Bout 25 on a slow day.” He interrupted.
They both splashed on some cologne and headed out the door.
At the last moment, Simon reached into the closet and removed his old stone from the pocket of a heavy coat. It reminded him of Ginni and he wanted her with him tonight. More than anything he wanted her with him.

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