Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Man and the Stone

The Man and the Stone

                  A shepherd once knelt before the Lord,
                  Praying for his heart's desire,
                  And asked for strength to burst any cord,
                  Such might that songs inspire.

5                 So God came down unto the man,
                  Saying unto him, "My Son,
                  I have before me a mighty plan,
                  If you'll serve, then the prize is won."

                  Suddenly in the path there stood,
10                A mighty stone of weight and girth,
                  "Remove this stone for all men's good,
                  Then I'll grant your prayer of worth".

                  With commandment laid upon his head,
                  Placed his shoulder to the task,
15                Faith overcoming any dread,
                  To accomplish what the Lord had asked.

                  For many days he fought and strained,
                  To move the gargantuan rock,
                  His flesh all bleeding and last strength drained,
20                Having withstood the travelers' mocks.

                  Finally his will was broke,
                  He sat and dropped his brow,
                  The failure complete, aloud his spoke,
                  "My Lord, forgive me now."

25                Again the Lord appeared on hand,
                  And gazed into hs eyes.
                  "Rise up before me, you are a man,
                  Tell me why you cry."

                  "My God," he said with trembling voice,
30                "I've failed in the work you gave,
                  The stone yet dwells in the self-same place,
                  T'would've been easier to hold back the waves".

                  Then a tear sprang forth from God's face,
                  "How long must I explain My ways?
35                Know you not that I could clear this place,
                  And your humble prayer have answered today?"

                  "Look upon your arms so strong,
                  Build-up in this fruitless chore,
                  Shoulders broad and weakness gone,
40                At THIS moment your faith is not sure?"

                  Then the man gazed down in wondering awe,
                  To the stone and to the Lord's feet,
                  Now he finally knew what He had taught,
                  Trust the Lord, and His wisdom complete.

                                          Brian K. Eddy
                                          June 5, 1994

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